Bell Hill Farm


American Alpines - Hollister, California

We breed American Alpine goats. All are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). The milkers are on monthly DHIR milk test and have earned their milk star or are in the process. We participate in the ADGA Linear Appraisal Program every year. Breeding is staggered to continue a year-round supply of milk. The kids are bottle-raised with plenty of human interaction so they are friendly, gentle and easy to handle as future milkers, pack goats or pets. All goats are disbudded except pack goat kids reserved before birth. Their hooves are trimmed regularly. The herd receives CD&T and Bose injections annually and worming as needed. We test annually for CAE, CL and Johne’s and maintain a clean herd. In order to keep the herd size small, we offer a few goats for sale every year.



Bell Hill Toby

Buckling born 3/16/25. Doing well on bottle. Scheduled for disbudding on March 24. Available for pickup after CD & T shot on 4/6/25. (picture at 6 days old)

Price $500

Bell Hill Thunder

Buckling born 3/5/25. Disbudded, bottle raised and available for pickup after CD & T shot on 3/26/25. (picture at 8 days old)

Price $500

Reserve 2025 kids now

Kids expected Mar & Apr

$100 deposit will reserve a disbudded kid for 2025. Pick up available at 3 weeks after first shots and doing well on bottles, I’m happy to bottle feed disbudded kids until weanned with pick up at 8 weeks

Horned pack goat kids require payment in full up front with pick up at 3 weeks.

Male or female $500